Please wait

Please wait for the green light before crossing the street.
Please take a ticket.
Please wait here to be served.
Please wait until D. wakes before we do music, K.
Please wait for the next train.
Please mind the gap.
Please wait, A., I'll feed you in a minute.
Please wait 15 minutes to allow for propagation.
Please hold for the next available operator.
Have a snooze, K., we'll be in the car a while.
Please wait 4 days for funds to clear.
Please wait while we process your request.
Please wait for security checks to complete.
Please wait while I sort out the change mat and a nappy, D.
Please allow 7 to 10 days for delivery.
Please wait 1 month for HR to process your paperwork and issue your staff card.
Please wait while the training material is downloaded to your back office PC.
Please wait while I finish this job and I'll read you a story in a second, K.
Please wait another 30 years before owning your home.
Please submit payment now.
Please wait a moment while the computer applies these updates.
Please queue here.
Please wait.
Please wait.
Please wait.